Friday, October 24, 2008

Patrick Built his own CNC machine

Patrick from talks about making his own computer numeric controlled machines. He originally started the project to make parts for a hobby, but now uses his machine to cut parts that he sells as kits so others can make their own machines. It is the machine that can make its own replacement.

His website has lots of information for people looking to get started making machines that can be controlled by computers.

Site Link:

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Educators' Maker Faire Proposal

If you were an educator or learner and going to Maker Faire, what would you want to find out? If you couldn't go, what would you want other people to find out? How could you learn more about what happened at Maker Faire long after the physical event ended?

Here is a link to the Educators' Maker Faire proposal: Link

These are supporting documents that will help inform our thinking about the project:
A Community of Learners Link Cultivating the Joy of Learning - Link Facts, Frustration and Fun Link

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